Hospitality Ventures Consulting can design for you a customized quality strategic and execution plan that will realize results to get you where you want to be.
You can choose to take the path toward your goals without a map, compass, and a reliable means of arriving at your destination.
You can choose to carry with us the mindset, tools, and skills you need to ensure you arrive on time, on target!

That’s what having a Quality Plan and Executing it is all about.
The odds are slim that all of the systems in your operation will work well in sync with one another, without a systematic approach.
A Scientific Approach to Planning
- Focus on your intended goals.
- Determine how you are going to get there.
- Determine your performance measures.
- Examine your current processes to identify defects and opportunities.
- Determine how you will remove defects and complexity.
- Measure how you are doing in relation to your goal.
- Learn and Improve.
It’s the System…not the People
Deming says "The majority of problems in business today are a result of good people working with substandard systems…they are set up to fail, and then we blame THEM for our failures as management.
When there is a problem, research heavily to ensure it is not a "compliance to standards" issue.
The responsibility of LEADERSHIP is to constantly review existing processes and systems and continually ask "Are we doing things the best way we know how?? "
Change Management
Top Reasons Why Change Efforts Fail
- People leading the change think announcing it is the same as implementing it.
- People’s concerns with the change are not addressed.
- Those being asked to change are not involved in planning the change.
- No business case is communicated as reason for the change.
- The change isn’t piloted or tested.
- Too many change initiatives at one – death by 1,000 initiatives.
- Leaders leading the change are not credible – they send mixed messages and don’t lead by example.
- Progress is not measured and efforts of those who made the change happen are not recognized.
- People are not held accountable for implementing the change.
- Leaders underestimate the power of the employees in a culture to kill the change effort.
Concern "Stages" for Employees
- Informational Concerns – They want to understand.
- Personal Concerns – How will this impact me?
- Implementation Concerns – The details about how to execute.
- Impact Concerns – Are things getting better? Is it worth it?
- Collaboration Concerns – How do I work with others to make it happen?
- Refinement Concerns – Continuous Improvement – How to make it better after implementation?
Our Strategy
- Expand opportunities for involvement and buy-in.
- Explain the business case for the change to EVERYONE.
- Envision the future.
- Ensure one voice and an aligned infrastructure.
- Enable and Encourage – provide skills and get commitments.
- Execute and Endorse – make them accountable for results.
- Embed the change and extend – spend 10 times more effort on reinforcing the change than looking for new ones.
- Explore possibilities.
The difficulty lies not so much in creating new ideas, but in escaping old ones.
"Performance Excellence is not a function of chance or circumstance it’s about making a conscious decision to be the best and then following a proven, disciplined approach to get there."